Monday, May 10, 2010

Is my finger nail going to fall off,or should I peel it off...?

about a month ago I slammed the tip if my finger in one of those outside newspaper metal boxes,the next day under my finger nail was blue and then turned purple to black within the next few weeks.I knew it was a blood clot but figured if I just left it alone it would heal I was picking at it and where the cuticle is I noticed there was an indent from one side to the other(like a pushed in line)

I ended up accidentally tearing part of the nail from the cuticle off(with no feeling)the blood clot runs from the cuticle to the middle of the finger nail not touching the sides of the finger nail.I ended up picking at it enough that I tore the whole bottom of my finger nail where the cuticle was,now there is still more then half of my nail and alot more dried up blood underneath.I have washed my hands since and am now wondering if I could peal the rest of it off without either going crazy from pain,making it worse or just leave it alone till a new nail grows in.mind you it is hard not to pick at it especially now being that I have already begun to do so.Is my finger nail going to fall off,or should I peel it off...?
just let it heal. it'll get better in time. peeling it off is just going to hurt like mother.Is my finger nail going to fall off,or should I peel it off...?

dont peel it off cus its not gonna grow anymore

just let it grow and it will carry all the blood away. leave a bandaid on it so that you dont pick it anymore then just let ur nail become yellow.
If I was you I would leave it alone and just let it heal.

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