Sunday, January 17, 2010

How can i get my nails to stop peeling? i used to have gorgeous nails, then my thumb nails started splitting, ?

now, they are all peeling. am i lacking in a vitamin? please help, thanks.How can i get my nails to stop peeling? i used to have gorgeous nails, then my thumb nails started splitting, ?
You need vitamins, And drink more beer....How can i get my nails to stop peeling? i used to have gorgeous nails, then my thumb nails started splitting, ?
This very well could be a factor of needing a boost of a Vit or Mineral, firstly I would try to find out what your lacking, and add this to your diet, or try taking a good quality Multi, to cover many things.

I suggest you also invest in a few products such as a good hand n nail cream, cutical oil and nail buffers.

These may cost a little initially, but is much cheaper than going to a salon or spa, and will keep your nails looking lovely, and continuous buffing will help prevent future peeling. (When nails are not in good condition, this makes you want to bite them too, so if cared for, they do become longer and stronger)

Try a glass of skim milk each day too! Great for needed clcium!


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