Sunday, January 17, 2010

Skin peeling due to nail polish remover. What do I do?

Last week I used nail polish remover, but the contact on my skin started drying out my fingertips. The days after my thumb [ okay this is gross..but ] bubbled up a bit and when I tried getting rid of it a whole chunk of my skin peeled off. Now the skin underneath is raw and super sensitive and the old skin around is continuing to dry and peel. Daily I keep it under bandage so that it doesn't get infected. Now my other thumb is starting to peel at the root [ near the nail bed ]!

How do I stop it from peeling?


How do I heal the skin quicker without using a bandage everyday [ cause it's making me skin wrinkle ]?Skin peeling due to nail polish remover. What do I do?
You could try Neosporin on your thumb. Try the kind that has pain reliever in it. Use a little bit and put a band-aid on it. That should help.Skin peeling due to nail polish remover. What do I do?
Try Neosporin. If that doesn't work, go see your doctor.

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